Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April showers bring big bass?

April 14th-

Kughn had a burr up his ass today and was bound determined to wet a line, regardless of the fact that it was raining. Since I watched the movie "Yes Man" last night I figured what the hell. Let's roll some bass son.
By the time we got to the pond in Hilliard it had stopped raining and the sun was kinda shining. After a few casts the rain started coming down pretty hard. Kughn has all the mountain man gear and stayed comfortable and dry. Nice Galoshes dude. The thing i noticed quickly about Kughn is how many more casts he was able to make than i was...and how accurate he is with his casts. I guess if the baits not in the water you're not going to catch fish. Kughndog also made some *ahem "minor" adjustments to my gear.
I wasn't too happy to be out in the rain since the fish weren't biting. We moved to the other lake and I noticed there was a Crane stalking some prey next to a drainage pipe. We posted up over there and the rain started in even harder. Kughn was fishing a spinner bait and I was fishing "ol faithful," the Bill Cook specials.
I was standing on the concrete above the drainage pipe and was reeling in. I about had my bait out of the water when I saw the fish come up and SMASH the senko. Setting the hook about pulled him out of the water. nice bass!! I grabbed the line to lift him up and the line broke. The shore sloped steeply toward the water line and the bass was making a break for it! I practically dove on this fish snatched him firmly in my grip. YEEAAAAHHH BOY!!! It was the only fish of the day after 45 minutes of standing in the rain. Stupid April showers.

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