Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th Indeed

November 13th-
The indian summer continues to roll on in Ohio with temps getting up in the mid 60's today. I met Poppa Rob after work to try to get my November bass. I'm trying to catch a bass every month of the year, which is no easy feat here in Ohio. I went out to old faithful in Hilliard and tried a new spinnerbait but didn't have any luck. A customer of mine who's an excellent angler has been having luck on spoons lately. I have never tried one but i have a couple in my tackle box so i gave it a whirl. I think i'm hooked (no pun intended). You get some crazy action on these things. I caught a few bluegill on it and had some nice strikes but didn't land a bass. Poppa Rob and I decided to throw some live bait on and take it easy since the sun was sinking quickly.
I stabbed a night crawler onto 4 different poles and casted out. I wasn't even paying attention when Ryan noticed one of my bobbers disappear. I set the hook and had something big on the end. I thought YESSSSS here's my november bass! I got the tank landed and couldn't believe my eyes. Big ol Cat!
here kitty kitty...
That's only my second cat of the year. I rarely fish with live bait anymore since i'm targeting bass. This is by far the biggest cat i've caught in the past 2 years which isn't saying a whole lot. Poppa Rob is an avid Catfisherman (amature) and needless to say, he was not happy to take this picture. My smile says it all.
What a wacky Friday the 13th indeed!

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