Monday, March 12, 2012

First Ohio Bass of 2012!!

March 11th, 2012-

Just the simple fact alone that we're able to fish on March 11th is fantastic. The weather this year has been unseasonably warm with little to no ice all winter. It will make for an interesting fishing season to say the least. Chris and I took advantage of the 65 degree day yesterday and went to a local spot on Hilliard in hopes to put the first fish of 2012 on the board.

We worked one side of the pond for nearly 45 minutes without getting a bite. I was working senko's sloooow and on the bottom thinking the fish wouldn't move much to hit a bait. As I got around the far side of the lake I was pulling the senko through some heavy cover and felt a biggun come up and absolutely CLOBBER the bait! FISH ON!!!

Ended up being 20", close to 4.5 to 5lbs! INCREDIBLE for my first Ohio Bass of 2012, and the middle of March!!!

Chris caught a very nice Crappie and I ended up catching 2 more pretty nice ones. We were going out hoping to get 1 bite and ended up putting 4 in the boat in just 1.5 hours! A sign of things to come???

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