To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of catching "Dottie," Dotson's 7lb behemoth Largemouth, we went out to hold the "1st Annual Dottie Day Tournament." The field of competitors was a "who's who" of the community. Basically me, Dotson and Kughn. The 3 best fisherman I know. (care to challenge us?)
The 3 of us started out in the Darby and the conditions were perfect. The fish were hitting right on the edge of the current near slack pools. It was ideal for jigs. I was working a black 1/8oz football head jig with the leech trailer and felt it get hit like a ton of bricks. I patiently reeled in the slack and judo-chopped a hellacious hook set. FISH ON. This big lady was none too happy having a hook in her grill on a Sunday Morning. After a terrific fight Dotson landed the beast and I went ballistic.
Coolest part, she had at least 6 hook marks in her grill. How sweet is that? Catch and Release at its finest.
Kughn quickly picked up on the pattern and wacked a few small ones quickly. Dotson wasn't so fortunate. It just wasn't his day as several hookset attempts went unsuccessful. (that's a nice way to say he got skunked) Kughn stayed at the spot and continued his assault. All in all he finished with 8 smalley's including these nice 18"ers