Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6th- day of days

August 6th-
What a day to catch only catch 2 fish, and they ended up being 2 of the biggest fish of the year. I was at the spot in Hilliard on a solo mission with about an hour and a half to kill. I was slow rollin the yellow senko had all these little annoying nips from bluegill. Then i felt something smash it! I set the hook and this thing took off. it leaped out of the water like a black marlin and tried to shake the hook! i could tell it was a smalley when he jumped! he fought like all hell, even as i was trying to grab his lip. can you believe that??? 3lb smallmouth out of an apartment pond!?

biggest smalley of the year!

A few casts later i felt a bass lighting inhale the bait and i let him swim off with it. I've been getting alot more patient with my hook sets, so i thought, "wait, wait wait" and BOOOOM! almost came out of my sandals i set it so hard. it felt like a cinder block was on the end of the line. i got that tank landed and was yelling like an idiot. easily top 5 fish of the year.
warmin up for coldwater lake!

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