Monday, June 8, 2009


June 3rd-

This week was jam packed with work. I spent 4 of the last 7 days in the sun at Muirfield watching a classic Tiger win. I did manage to get out one evening after work for about an hour. The pond was stained from the rain Wednesday and the fishing was still slow. I was about to take off and decided to give this black spinner bait a shot. Mike has been killing them on the black spinner and i got a cheap-o one at walmart for a buck. With the amount Mike has been breaking them off, he may want to switch to the dollar version.

I tossed in right beside a no fishing sign and a decent sized largemouth smashed the spinner. pathedically enough, it's the biggest fish i've caught in the last 2 weeks

That's about the only "blogworthy" fish lately. hopefully the spawn is wrapped up and it's time to roll some bass.

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